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Mt Gravatt Hawks FC | Dittmer Park, Klumpp Road, Upper Mt Gravatt, Brisbane 0406 282 076

Mt Gravatt Hawks FC provides programs female players of all ages and abilities.
Metro League 4 & 5
Mt Gravatt Hawks FC has implemented a two tier registration system where you will REGISTER with Mt Gravatt Hawks FC FIRST, and then when advised by the Club you will need to register on Football Queensland's Squadi and Football Australia's PlayFootball systems.
Please note that all registrations must be completed online - discounts apply for ONLINE PAYMENTS.
Payment can by made by ZipPay or in person by credit card (Visa/Mastercard only) at the club.
Payment in person can also be made for cash, cheque or EFTPOS payments.
Preseason TrainingAre you new to Hawks?….then come along to one of our preseason training sessions. Our training during preseason is held at the Mt Gravatt Hawks FC, located at Dittmer Park, Klumpp Road, Upper Mt Gravatt FQPL 3 Men preseason training will commence training on Thursday 2 January 2025 from 7:00pm (continue Tue and Thu) Youth Men (U18) preseason training will commence training on Tuesday 14 January 2025 from 7:00pm (continue Tue and Thu) Metro League commence training on Friday 17 January 2025 from 7pm Over 35 and Over 45 commence training on Sunday 19 January 2025 from 5pm Players should attend trials before registering to ensure that they have been allocated to a team.
Registration Fees2025 Registration Fees are fully inclusive of Match Fees FQPL Men $780 (ONLINE $760) - inc Training Kit and Club Polo Youth Men $670 (ONLINE $650) - inc Training Kit and Club Polo Men Metro League $605 (ONLINE $585) Griffith Uni Men (Metro Only) $360 (ONLINE $340) Masters Men (O35/45) $490 (ONLINE $470) NOTE: Fees quoted include all Governing Body Fees (Football Australia and Football Queensland) as well as Club Fees. When registering, players will need to register with Mt Gravatt Hawks Fc first and pay their Club Fees and will be required to pay Governing Body Fees by registering with Football Queensland using Squadi and then Football Australia using PlayFootball. A full breakdown of fees is provided below: Notes: All Registration are FULLY INCLUSIVE of all insurances, levies, memberships and referee fees. Playing kits are provided on match days. Mt Gravatt Hawks FC does operate a no refund policy, therefore once registrations have been processed there will be no refunds. All players who register with Mt Gravatt will be given a team placement, not being graded in your team of choice is not considered a valid reason for requesting a refund. Please note that if a player for some reason is not able to be offered a team placement, then a full refund will be provided. Fees for Uni players playing FQPL/Youth will be on available on application. Griffith Uni players will register as Griffith Uni Player and your registration is subject to a valid and current Student Id which will be verified by the Griffith University. All Griffith registered players will be able to apply for a rebate TBA from the University on submission of paid receipt to the Sports Department. Governing Body Fees are subject to change and may change due to player age or program classification.
Online RegistrationMt Gravatt Hawks FC provides online registration and online payment options. using this online registration and payment system means that you will be able to register and pay your registration fees online without the need to attend the Club. Online registration is available NOW!! To register click [HERE] at anytime. ONCE TEAMS ARE FINALISED, you will be invited to complete a second stage registration using Football Brisbane's new Player Registration system. You can register online at anytime, or you can attend a training session to obtain further information or make a manual payment. PAYMENTS Payment by credit card in person at the club will attract a surcharge, so paying online not only saves you time, but also avoids merchant fees. If payment needs to made in person, you will need to contact the club first and make arrangements to pay your fees and then you will be able register online - note this is not considered a online registration and therefore full fees will be charged,
Available DiscountsSENIOR PLAYER DISCOUNTS - Further to our discounts for family members, any Senior Players that has a child playing (must be under 18 years of age) in a Junior Team, they will be eligible for a $60 discount off their fees. Discounts only apply to immediate family and all players 18 and older must be members of the club and therefore can not be bundled and therefore a family discount does not apply. Discounts do not qualify or apply to In-House (Hatchlings and Fledglings) registrations.
Payment OptionsONLINE PAYMENT (full fees only) - Online registrations include the option for payments to be made online through a secure payment gateway. Payments made using the online payment gateway will NOT be subject to merchant fees. PAYMENT PLANS - This year we are offerring INTEREST FEE terms via our Official Financial Partner zip|pay. If you wish to take the option of playing off your fees, you will need to apply online - prior to registration. If payment needs to made in person, you will need to contact the club first and make arrangements to pay your fees and then you will be able register online.
Merchandise & Playing EquipmentThe Club has an agreement with Veto Sports as our official merchandise and football equipment supplier. Senior playing kits include full playing kit (excluding shorts) and all senior players will receive a pair of socks as part of this registration. Players will be required to purchase their own playing shorts ($30). NOTE: Senior Playing Kits are owned by the Club and must be returned after each match. In 2025 the following will be available at the club: Club Polo $40 Playing Shorts $30 Playing Socks $15 Senior Training Kit $40 Spray Jacket $40 Hoodie $50.00 All other club merchandise including other jackets, bags, tracksuits, caps, towels, etc can be purchased through the Club Shop.
Help NeededYour club needs your help. We are keen to hear from anyone who can help out in any way possible around the club such as taking on the role of Coach or Manager, helping with registrations, match sheets, raffles or BBQ on game days. Or maybe you have a trade or skill that you would be willing provide to make some improvements around the club. If you are able to assist in anyway, please contact
For More InformationFor further information please contact one of our Senior Directors via email - or call +61 406 282 076
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