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Please note that there will be NO REFUND of registration and membership fees to any Player who leaves the club after registration.


All NEW players must provide proof of age (birth certificate, school identification or passport).


The parent or guardian of a registered player under the age of 18 is considered the member.


I hereby understand and agree that player registration will not be finalised or active until ALL registration fees have been paid in full.


Furthermore, in undertaking this registration I hereby accept that I am liable for the payment of all fees associated with this registration.


FAMILY DISCOUNT applies to the SECOND and SUBSEQUENT players from a family and will have a discount of $60.00 deducted from their registration on the condition that a sibling has completed a FULL FEE PLAYER REGISTRATION (excludes in-house program registrations).


Registration fees include applicable Player Insurance, Association Registrations and Levies and Club Fees.


Registration fees are FULLY INCLUSIVE of all weekly match fees.


I hereby grant Football Australia, the Member Federation, the Competition Administrator and the Club (Football Administrators) a non-exclusive, royalty free, world-wide, irrevocable license to use your name and/or image in any form or media format for the purpose of marketing and promotional activities.


I hereby agree that I and the Player/s registered above will abide by the constitution, rules and regulations (including all codes of conduct) of the Mt Gravatt Hawks Soccer Club Inc.


I further agree that neither the Club nor any of its officials will be held liable for any personal injury or loss or damage to property whatsoever, whether sustained by the player/s registered above or caused by the same to others and I indemnify the Club and its officials accordingly.

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