In another major initiative for Mt Gravatt Hawks FC, we are pleased to announce that as a result of the unprecedented numbers attending our Free Football Program on Wednesday evenings, we will running an U8 In-house Competition in 2020.
As with our other in-house competitions, the huge benefit for parents is having games all played at a central location and fixture scheduling being consistent giving families greater freedom to undertake other activities.
Teams will train once a week on a Thursday night for 45 minutes and will then play their fixtures on Saturday mornings. Our season will be starting in Term 1 and will run until the end of August and being in-house we will have the flexibility of rescheduling wet weather weekends to provide a full 18 fixture league.
We also in negotiations with a number of clubs and who are considering playing their teams in our U8 In-house Competition.
We will continue to offer our popular U8 MiniRoos option as well, where players in these teams will travel on an approximate home and away basis and play against other clubs.
We expect this program to be extremely popular, so register your interest (no obligation) for the 2020 season to be kept up to date with latest news and special offers -
If you aren't already attending our FREE Football Program on Wednesday evenings from 6-7pm, you are welcome to join any time by simply registering online -
For more information please email and one of our dedicated volunteers will get back to you shortly.