Mt Gravatt Hawks FC | Dittmer Park, Klumpp Road, Upper Mt Gravatt, Brisbane 0406 282 076

Mt Gravatt Hawks FC continue to provide Sponsors with a vehicle to promote growth for their particular company or business Influencing all members, families and visitors to and away from our facilities at Upper Mt Gravatt during 2019 and beyond.
With over 700 registered participants the Club has available Sponsorship packages for 2019 and beyond to suit you .
The Club has achieved great success through changes being implemented to improve standards in operations and facilities. This will continue in various ways during 2019.
Our Senior Men's Team will contest the Capital One League Competition in 2019.
Our Junior Development Program which was launched in 2005 continues to gain momentum and 2019 is looking like a very good season for our Juniors
Veto Sports will be the Club's contracted supplier of Playing and Team Gear and Football Equipment for 2019.
Playing, Training and Supporter Clothing will be of a new style as part of the Club's future, moving forward. By introducing standards to the Club's image, facilities and operations, the club will be able to improve even more.
We are also offering opportunity for sponsors to sponsor our Training Shirts, we invest starting as low as $500. For more information please lick [HERE].
For further details regarding Sponsorship and Merchandising please click [HERE] or us at